Jun, 2022Jun 27, 2022
Why Explainer Video Marketing is Effective
Video marketing continues to play a huge role in your potential customer engagement and brand campaigns. Especially in today's digital era, technology has become part of our daily lives.
When it comes to marketing, these video assets are the best secret weapon for every marketer in increasing their business sales. Many well-known have experienced success through video marketing and it resulted in boosted brand awareness and increased conversion sales. It is without a doubt that this strategy works effectively and efficiently.
Most marketers predict the video marketing trend will increase in 2022, and even more in the years to come. Therefore, the best suggestion we can give here is to start planning your crowdfunding or marketing launch campaign with video marketing done on point. To do so, a video marketing checklist turns out to be an essential tool, perfect to help you organize your plan for your product marketing launch.
But what kind of video you should create to not miss a spot in the market where opportunities are vast?
Explainer videos are the most effective type of videos. These are now accessible for both businesses with shoestring budgets and large corporations. This means that a short type of marketing video is nothing new to your potential clients. As they’ve seen many of these types of videos, they’ve become pickier than ever before.
How to Craft High-Converting Explainer Videos?
A well-crafted explainer video will boost your conversion rates and help your brand to give a positive impression online. While there are tons of best practices for creating great explainer videos on the internet, we’ve only cherry-picked the essentials that should be considered when producing a high-converting explainer video.
When your video content marketing practices hang stagnant in the air for too long, your video content becomes outdated, and so your brand awareness deteriorates resulting in low engagement on the online social media channels. To help you stay ahead of the challenges when it comes to video content trends, we want to share with you some initial tips on how to smoothly create an explainer video that converts and helps you to achieve your business goals. Below is the checklist you might need to follow when creating high-converting explainer type of videos, which turn out to be useful as well when you need to follow a project assigned to a video agency you work with.
These will be very helpful in giving the right boost to your video marketing campaign.
Best Practices For a Good Video
Since 2013 video consumption online increased at an average of 32% per year.
In 2020 the average online user spent 84 minutes each day watching online videos, and in 2021 this number increased to 100. Trends suggest the time people spend online watching videos will keep raising in 2022.
Videos are the most important marketing assets, and this trend won’t go away anytime soon. Figuring out which video length is the best for your video is crucial. Find below some of the important steps to understand before you start talking about any marketing video to introduce your product to the market right.
Make it accessible – By default, on most social platforms video content is displayed in muted mode and this means everyone may not watch your videos with the sound on. Therefore, it is important to consider a strategy that will keep viewers glued to the screen regardless of the sound. The most popular Tiktok creator, Kaby Lame proves that silent content works! In his TikToks, he does not utter any words, but his content is consumed by millions of users. So, turning on the auto-captioning feature on platforms like YouTube is the easiest way to make sure your video is accessible to anyone if there’s anything important to be heard. Make sure all the important parts of the video are also within the safe area, including any text overlay.
Optimize it for the right size – As trends change, you need to keep up with them. 9:16 is turning to be the most popular ratio when it comes to the daily social media usage of short content videos, for the most common platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. When it comes to a longer video for YouTube or for a large-scale promotional video, 16:9 is still the most used one.
Each video needs to be optimized for the right platform.
Long doesn’t equal good – A recurring mistake we keep seeing is when a brand or the client tries to measure how much a video is worth by checking its length thinking that; the longer, the better. This approach is wrong, we experience it from time to time, especially with changes on the majority of modern social media platforms. The attention spans have become shorter. The first 3-5 seconds of a video are important to create curiosity, especially if your video is made to be shared on social media platforms. Drive your point quickly and clearly.
When it comes to product video explainers, we suggest keeping the video within 60 to 90 seconds, and if you want to turn your video into a promotional asset, we suggest keeping it around 30 seconds. If your video is meant to be for social media, the recommended length is between 8 to 15 seconds.
▲Data from marketing charts, copyright belongs to the original author
Explainer Videos vs. Spec Videos
Nowadays values in marketing are everything, and the best way to share those related to your product is by telling a clear, unique, and simple story.
The most common mistake we experience when it comes to video creation is when the brief gets to be a long list of features to be recorded, edited, and put together in the final visual. When this list gets too extended, the video turns to be long and complicated, generating a series of issues and making the viewer overwhelmed, with anything in the video becoming unmemorable, making your pitch unsuccessful.
This is a recurring issue that happens on most occasions when the product to be showcased belongs to the technology category, and the brand or its owner turns to be too proud of it and wants to tell every single small aspect of it. This turns out to be an issue in executing a successful marketing video, in which the potential customers will have short attention to decide whether to take it, swap further, and just skip it.
The human attention span has dropped tremendously, and on top of that, people have so many distractions when browsing. Producing extremely long videos turns out to be the perfect recipe for disaster.
Apart from the short attention span and the overload of information, it would be better to focus on the value people get by using your product. Showcasing your product's advantages, and how they solve their problems, will encourage the customers to continue consuming your content.
Keep Your Video Simple
If your product is complex, we simplify it. How do we do that?
By understanding what problem it solves, and finding out the best ways to explain the details from the creative idea to the post-production.
This is why we like to go with explainer videos. With a video explainer you can simplify all the complicated information about your product in a comprehensible way for your audience. If people can easily watch something memorable, the chance to turn them into buyers will increase, leading them to reshare the content, which brings in more customers. This ultimately brings more clients and a rise in sales and growth.
By using a modern video explainer, it will be easier to turn the difficult terms for customers, into something easy to see and remember. Once you invoke a reaction in your audience, it helps them take action.
To wrap it up
Evolving trends will continue to affect video content creation therefore, it is essential to discover what works best to captivate the attention of your audience. Our team of digital marketing experts knows how to increase brand awareness, and sales and elevate your market position through digital marketing. Ready to create a killer explainer video with us? Fill up the form below to contact us now.